Team Development

Team challenges you may be facing:

• Integrating people from different organizations into a single leadership team

• Creating alignment around vision and values on a team that has a history of moving in different directions or interpersonal tension

• Managing the "people" side of complex organizational change

How Julie helps your team rise to meet these challenges:

• Conducts a quick yet thorough assessment of the situation and recommends the actions most likely to lead to positive results

• Facilitates and helps you prepare for important strategic conversations—either through offsite retreats or as part of regular ongoing business

• Provides direct, in-the-moment feedback to members of your team to challenge everyone to communicate at their best

• Designs and facilitates long-term strategic change processes that involve high stakes, significant complexity, and competing interests

• Brings a calm and focused demeanor that keeps everyone focused on both the task at hand and the quality of conversations and relationships